Latest Updates & Features - Version: 0.9
Dashboard Updates:
Our latest Crypto Dashboard update includes at a glance views of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) such as:
- Total Number of Transactions.
- Transactions per individual Cryptocurrency.
- Graphs containing your 30 Day History at a glance.
- Pie Chart showing your Ratio of most popular Cryptocurrencies.
- And Latest Account Activity (View Security Updates for more info.)
Security Updates:
We have introduced a new Security Feature that allows users to monitor all
of their accounts activity within their dashboard.
Track Activity such as: Logins, Created Connections, and Edited
Allowing users to closely monitor their accounts for any suspicious or
questionable activity.
Email Updates:
We have implemented a new Mail Queue System to increase the performance and
User Experience on the website.
As well as introduced new emails and designs for:
- Welcome Emails
- Customer Receipt Emails
- Store Record/Receipt Emails
Bug fixes:
- · We have fixed a bug that was causing errors when Creating and Editing Connections.
- · We have corrected an issue where emails would sometimes show the wrong Cryptocurrency Prefix on the Email Receipt.
Found any Bugs? Want to integrate? or have any suggestions for our project? Contact Us
Thanks, and have a good day!