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Status: Listed
Name: Conceal
Ticker: CCX

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
Conceal (Windows)
Conceal (Linux)
Conceal (Mac)
Mobile Wallets:
Conceal App (Android)
Other Wallets:
Paper Wallet

About Conceal:

Conceal Network is a decentralized blockchain that permits users to anonymously send and receive funds, messages, and earn interest on deposits. 100% of the transactions on the Conceal Network are Private by Default, Anonymous and Untraceable. At Conceal Network, we believe banking privacy is a fundamental right and we are paving the way to make that a reality for all. Our primary objective is to provide a privacy framework for social inclusion through decentralization of financial services.

Conceal is secured by fair Proof of Work GPU mining and has been built with a unique set of features to prevent 51% attacks. Adding to this, Conceals on-chain self-destructing messages provide extreme security and privacy for sharing sensitive information with total anonymity.