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Status: Listed
Name: Flux
Ticker: FLUX

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About Flux:

Flux’s core values and ethos center around the rise of Web 3.0 — By, and For the People. Its aim is to evoke the power of corporations and restore it to the common people. The Flux Cloud is decentralized, based on thousands of single servers from all over the world that are all connected in one operating system. Individuals are the backbone of the technology, so to speak. They provide the cloud with computational resources via home-based bare metal machines or rented servers and are incentivized by 50% of the total block reward.

To this date, the decentralized cloud of Flux is supported by over 14,000 nodes around the globe. Its total available computational resources amount to around 110,000 Cores, 300 TB of RAM, and over 7 PT (Petabytes) of SSD. It is a Web 3.0 cloud powerhouse that can be used to deploy applications in a decentralized and censor-resistant manner. There are plenty of advantages of using Flux instead of traditional Web2 infrastructure providers:

- All applications are redundant and have automatic failovers in case of any outages.

- The Flux Cloud is agnostic to code language as it uses Docker Hub containers as an on-ramp.

- The Flux Cloud automatically keeps applications up to date with the respective container.

- The Flux Cloud offers competitive pricing.